Friday, February 26, 2016


Country Borage is  fleshy , aromatic,  herb type of perennial plant. It is about 3 feet tall. It has so many branches with soft hair. The stem is fleshy and about 90 cm in diameter. The leaves are also fleshy,   oval shaped and lower surface has so many glandular hair. The flowers are small in size and are pale blue or purple in color. It has 4 or 5 petals.



Name of the disease and how to use.
Sore throat and stuff nose :-Chew some fresh  leaves of borage for 7 days to get a good result.
Upset stomach, Indigestion, Irritable  bowel syndrome and abdominal pain :-Take the juice of fresh leaves every morning and evening in empty stomach.
Gout and rheumatism :- Make brewing tea from borage leaves and drink it after breakfast.
Headache:-Apply the paste of leaves to fore head  and keep it remain for half an hour.
Low urine flow:-Take some juice of fresh leaves twice a day in empty stomach.
Irregular menstruation :-Chew the leaves of borage every day.
Ill vision and macular degeneration :-As borage leaves contain lots of vitamin A  take it every day.

Thursday, February 18, 2016


Large granadilla is  herb type of plant. It’s botanical name is cissus  quadrangularis  linn. It is tall, fleshy, glossy, quadrangular, chainlike climber plant. The  color is green. Leaves are about 5 cm long and the shape is oval or heart like. When the plant is old the leaves shed off and the plant becomes leafless. From the top of the plant to the bottom there are so many chain like quadrangular fleshy  nodules  from every pub of the stem which is the most important part of the plant and these parts are commonly known as harjora  because this plant is specially used in healing fracture bone. The flowers are small, hairy and white in color. The fruits are juicy,  red in color and just like a seed of pea.







 Name of the Disease and how to use.

Fractured bone :-Apply the paste of leaves and stem without bark  to the affected area and make a plaster with banana leaf and keep it remain for 7 days to get a good result.

Irregular  menstruation :- Crush the stem without bark  and leaves and extract the juice , mix it with same amount of honey and drink it twice a day for regular menstruation.

Swelling due to injuries :-Crush the plant , extract the juice, boil it with salt and tamarind and apply it to the affected area while warm.

Osteoartharitise  :- Make powder of dry stem without bark and mix one spoon of powder to a glass of water and drink it.

Obesity:- Add 2 spoon of  powder of the dry stem without bark   to a glass of water and drink it daily because obesity is the root cause of almost all disease.

Monday, February 15, 2016


Malabar nut is a herb type of plant. It is about 5 feet in height . When tender the color of the stem is green but when mature the color become purple. The leaves are p deep green in color and about 10 cm long. The flowers bloom in cluster  and the color is white and pink stripe in the inner side of the petal . The shape of the fruit is just like a capsule and there are 4 seeds in one fruit. The entire part of the plant is bitter in taste.




   Name of disease and how to use.
Cough and cold :-Boil some leaves in water for some time and then drink the water when warm
Scabies:- Apply the paste of leaves to the effected area and then take a bath after 24 hours.

Tuberculosis :-Boil the bark of the plant with water, mix honey with it and drink the mixture once a day.  
Worm :- The extract of bark  kill all type of worm. Take one spoon of extract once a day in empty stomach.

Jaundice :-Take one spoon of flower  extract along with honey every day as long  as the disease remain.

 Gum bleeding :- Boil water with some  leaves and then gurgle with it.

Sunday, February 14, 2016


Siamese roughbush is shrub type of ever green plant. It is about 15 to 20 feet tall. The leaves are deep green and about 10 cm long. The bark is green when tender and grey when old. The bulk produces  milk like latex. The flowers are small and almost inconspicuous .The fruit is yellow when ripe and 5 cm in diameter .One fruit has only one seed 





Name of disease and how to use.

Chapped hand and feet :-Apply the latex of bark to hand and feet and remain it for an hour and then wash it .

Diarrhea and dysentery :-Take a few drops of bark juice along with barley soup for some days.

Piles :-Take a few drops  of bark juice along with milk twice a day.

Inflamed area :- Apply the paste,  made of root and water to the  affected  area  once a  day .

Elephantiasis :-Take some juice of bark along with honey every morning in empty stomach.

dental carriage :-Mix the powder of dry  bark  with any tooth paste and brush your teeth with that paste.

Saturday, February 13, 2016


Mexican  poppy  is  herb type of annual plant. It is about 150 to 200 cm tall.  leaves  are about  20 cm  long . The  upper surface of the  leaf is silvery green in color and smooth,   while the lower surface has some prickles along the mid rib .The flowers are solitary and about 6 cm across . It is yellow or pale orange  in  color . The fruits are round in shape and dry. There are about 400 seeds in a fruit and the color of the seed is almost black,  very much like to mustard seed

Leaf of mexican poppy

Fruits of mexican poppy

Flower of mexican poppy

Seeds of mexican poppy

 Name of the disease and how to use.

Leprosy  :- Apply the mixture of  row cow milk  and the juice of the plant to the affected  area . It will take a long time to get result.

Blood  dysentery :- Take a spoon of ripe seed oil twice a day in empty stomach.

Jundice :- Drink the juice of  the stem which color is also yellow,  two  spoon daily for 7 day 
Itching and scabies :-Apply the warm seed oil along with mustard oil to the whole body after bath and keep it remain for 24 hours.